Unique Cat Toys , Playsets Scratchers and Condos Whisker & Mittens


Who is Whisker & Mittens?

Whisker & Mittens delivers American Designed and tested cat trees and toys. Our play-sets and toys are designed for a healthy pet that keeps them active and happy.
Play is what we all enjoy and Whisker & Mittens™ pairs that with the care you have for your pet.

Whisker & Mittens designs our cat scratching posts, cat trees and play toys with the interest of a pet owner- because we are. Our fit and finish are unparalleled versus most other cat furniture on the market.

Whisker & Mittens is a line of cat products that make life with your pet better. Specific to each breed and trait that makes both owner and pet happy. Sensitive to what functions and materials work best with each breed.
Fun. Value. Functional.



Contact us Today!

Feel free to contact us with any concerns or questions about our products and services.